Trader's Corner


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Gas pump globes-Crown Gold, Silver, Crownzol, Atlantic Hi-Arc, Atlantic, Etc, All very nice Gill body globes. Liberty 15” metal body globe, N.O.S, pictures Statue of Liberty, perfect condition. Other original gloves available. Please call 734/475-3819 (MI) 825

For sale: 16 mm Standard Stations training films with sound projector and take-up reels. Late 1940s thru mid 1960s. Twenty five total including seven of Atlas TBA products/ $275 Call Dave Horton 707/824-9253 (CA) 824

Very Rare Rapid Dayton Visible gas pump, 1929 model 600 restored 9 years ago. Still great condition. Fire Chief globe and decals, all red with black trim. Asking $4,900. Call for more info: Doug Lowe Omaha, Nebraska. Phone 402-733-6534 (NE) 822

Approximately 75 oil company maps dating from 1920 to 1955 plus a lot of newer ones. Contact Walter Dukes at (NC) 821

Gulf oil collections from retired Gulf dealer. Gas pump, maps, oil, grease cans, globes, advertising, misc., pictures, thermometers, all things Gulf. Entire collection to be sold together. Contact Bill Clark 412/788-4438 (PA) 817

Tokheim 369 short top and bottom for sale Polished brass and aluminum gas pump nozzles expert polished and lacquered contact Dal Jones cell 573-480-6706 e-mail (MO) 815

Corona motor oil quart bottle red print on green - Rio Grande Valley Oil Co. Albuquerque NM - green letters. On back in red “Keep ‘Em Flyin” - in green Buy American Savings Bonds Today. Red - bomber plane. $300.00 Call 812-279-1763 (IN) 813

One of a kind 800 gal two compartment solid steel Socony vacuum tank. Two five gal can dispenser in rear compartment. May be over 100 years old. May have come off a horse and wagon or old antique truck. $1100, OBO. Call 518-843-2110 days or 518-843-3363 nights (NY) 808

Mid size Sinclair Dino porcelain sign with bracket $1500, large one-sided porcelain Exxon sign $500, tall Bennett pump all complete $1200. Tall Martin/Swartz pump $1200. Call 814-744-9369 Leeper, PA 16233 (PA) 807

Globes for sale: Aro-Speed; Bonded 98; Bonded Ethyl; Cavalier Hi-Test; Sun Glo; White Rose ROC. For photos and prices e-mail or call Dick Doumanian at 231/620-5100. (MI) 804

44 Volumes Automobile Quarterly some in dust cases with 20 year index. 300+ Road Maps Thirty to Sixty. Best offer or trade for Reynolds Tire material. Shipping cost or pick up in Missouri. Larry 816/804-8467 or (MO) 803


Collection of gasoline station memorabilia for sale including gas globes, oil cans, handy oilers, signs, grease cans, tire patch kits, banks, thermometers, clocks, maps and other gas station premiums. Browse our web site: or write: Gasoline Station Memorabilia, PO Box 173, Deerfield, IL 60015-0173. (IL) 801

Gas Pumps: Selling (17) unrestored gas pumps including 2 clock face and 4 visible pumps from the 1920’s. Highest bid takes all 17 pumps - not sold individually. The pumps were professionally appraised and located 25 miles east of Spoke, Washington (I-90). 208/659-8258. (WA) 797

Parting out: Wayne 90, 400, 420,440,460,505; Erie No. 70, 129-2; A.O. Smith L-1, 483; National A-38, C-38; G & B 86,101, T.M. Clock face; Tokheim 39,300,452; Bennett 766; Gilbarco 96, 96-C, 994,996,906,1004,1006; Send list of parts needed to W.A. Simmons, Jr. at 3212 Seyern Wharf Road, Hayes, VA 23072 (VA) 788

List with photos over 300 items: Qts., Banks, Bottles, etc. $2.00 postpaid! Not listed specials: 1950s lighters: Sinclair w dino $40; Pepsi Yellow $40, Canada Dry N.O.S. $50; Cities Service $45. Separate list and photo with over 110 4 oz. handy oilers $1.00 postpaid. Norm Pennie Box 2960 Sumas, WA 98295. Phone 604/437-5635 (WA) 784

Selling selected petroliana from my collection. Have globes, bottles, radios, thermometers, maps, books, many various collectibles from 20 years picking and collecting. Handy oilers and more. Call if visiting the Chicago area. Easy to reach, one mile west of Wrigley Field. Peter Capell 773-871-8735. (IL) 783

Bennett, Erie, Smith-Erie, Smithway, A.O. Smith, Tokheim, National, Gilbarco, Bowser, Wayne Sales Brochures, Installation, Repair, Service Maintenance Manuals, Parts Price Lists for Gasoline, Hand, Grease, Barrel and Farm Pumps, Highboys, Bulk Plant Equipment and Meters. Send $2.00 and large SASE for lists: Glen Wellman, PO Box 230, Weldon, CA 93283 760/378-2059 (CA) 781

Zenith gas pumps salt & pepper shakers, red and white very rare $78. Conoco gas pumps salt & pepper shakers, white, green,red logos $48. Sinclair pocket mirror has oil wells on it, very rare $39. Call Bob Pepping 205 Dale Ave, McHenry, IL 60050 815/385-6534 after 6 p.m. (IL) 775

STOLEN: Have you seen any of these recently stolen pumps lately? American 2347 8 sided faded pale yellow and white OR Hayes 204 Square Body, with flakey to touch green paint. Also Factory aluminum grill for 1964-66 Chevy pickup; many other parts from Butler 61 and Butler 30; Phillips 66 Ethyl globe with orange plastic body. All recently stolen in Kansas. Reward for information and conviction of those responsible. Contact Wayne at (785) 565-8154 or Riley County Kansas Police DEpt at (785) 537-2112. THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP!

Still rebuilding Veeder Root Gas Pump Computers. “28 Years”. Focusing on quality. Call Jerry at 810/695-9070 (MI) 770

Sinclair gas station memorabilia for sale. Twenty-five years of collecting, and all on sale. Includes globes, gas cans, ads, signs, promotional gifts and much more. Even a blow-up Dino! Call Jim at 832/851-4745 for complete info and pictures. (TX) 758

Gulf Dealer Double Sided 6’-6” dated 1957. Real Brit color, not faded, no bends, two dime size chips. Call Bill 206/778-3435 (WA) 757

DVD 2 hours Simpler Times Museum. 100 gas pumps, 150 globes, and 80 oil field engines. $15 including shipping. Complete narration of all items. Bruce Ziegler 814/484-3483 Simpler Times Lane Tidioute PA 16351 (PA) 756

Shell collector selling 40-year collection including signs, books, movie projector, equipment. Call Thad 804/449 9155 (VA) 755

Road map: Wasatch Oil Company, Western United States from Chief “Mountainizel Gasoline” station. Multi-color, chief attendant and mountain graphics on cover. Also, Phillips 66 logo, “Phillips credit cards honored.” Dated 1948. Very nice, but not mint. $50 O.B.O. John Logsdon, 515/321-7830 e-mail (AZ) 741

Original Gilbarco T176 pump base — Both side panels for Tokheim 300 pump — frame for Tokheim 300 — Also exchange, or repair on old crankback pump computers. Call Lou 785/582-5863. (KS) 739

SOHIO Raincoat Yellow Large or X-Large. Knee-length, no holes. Original name patch. Call Marty 937/652-1525 (OH) 738

Outdoor Mobiloil enclosed oil storage and sale cabinet. Sandblasted and painted green with red porcelain top. No gargoyle globe. $950 Jim Welty, Fairborn, Ohio 937/878-9722 (OH) 684

Texaco airplanes all numbers, Atlas oil filters, Lots of TBA Alt’s starters. Too much to list. Also Service Station equipment. Call: CA Stevens, Apple Valley CA 760/912-2517 (CA) 676

Four compartment tanker for ’20s – ’40s truck. Undamaged caps, brass dump valves, counter. Straight, solid, with mounting saddles. Larry Michaud phone 715/720-1574 (WI) 668

Texaco service parts. Use to service your classic or for display. Filters, points sets, caps/rotors spark plugs, PCV valves, wipers, bulbs, gas/rad caps, thermostats, voltage regulators. USA made-OEM quality. Very reasonable prices. Bill McIntosh 72 School Rd, Bernville, PA 19506 or 610/488-6081 (PA) 665

Road maps - oil companies from 20’s 30’s 40’s 50’s. Have been collecting 30 years. Over 1,000 in collection. Selling all or part. Also have large quantity of pre-WWII oil cans. Proud to be IPCA member #171. Jerry Dixey Youngstown, OH phone 330/506-9169 e-mail (OH) 664

Has pump Bowser 585 yr. 1946 all restored red & white & globe Kan O Tex globe & decals. Nice! Call Paul 815/758-3848 (IL) 642

Over 300 Handy Oil 4-oz cans. Mobil Phillips Singer 3-in-1 liquid. wrench Gulf, Sinclair, Texaco, Valvoline, Hoppe’s, Savage, Outers, Shell, Esso, Standard-Finol, Winchester, Skelly, Schwinn, Deeprock, Pfaff, Browning, SOHIO, Sunoco, Amoco and many others. Contact seller for photos and prices. Larry Snyder at PO BOX 4555, Lincoln, NE 68504 or e-mail (NE) 624

Selling my collection. Pure Oil globes, signs, pumps and misc. Also various other brands. National & Fleckenstein pumps. Old Dutch, Anderson Pritchard, Texas Rose, Imperial, Xcel, US Navy gas globes to name a few. Many oil bottles and cans. For more information call Larry in Michigan at 989/835-6535 e-mail (MI) 610

Tokheim repair and parts manuals, copies of originals. 1. Model 36-B Moneymaker computer. 2. Model 39 Standard computer, Model 39 Standard dial, Model 39 Twin, Model 39 StationLiter, Model 39 wheel type non-computer, Model 39 hose reel. 3. Model 39-L-RA Lo-Boy Retrev-A-Hose, Model 39-L-EZ $15 each postpaid. Chuck 402/391-5270. (NE) 559

For Sale: Have many restored gas pumps. Bennett, 150 M/S-80, some visibles. Call Hillwoods Ant’s evenings 630/739-7187 (IL) 407

For Sale: gas pumps, signs, drink machines, air meter, etc. Miles Little, 12555 Hwy 601 Midland, NC 28107. Phone 704/791-1438. (NC) 404

For my latest list of signs, cans, etc., click on (NJ) 402



Cities Service 30 gal lubester, cosmetically restored. Trade for nice old toy gas stations or gas pumps. Bennett Model 307. Original brass Cities Service ID tag riveted to pump handle, original hardwood crank knob, and dipstick. Green urethane enamel with large decals on tank. Chris Elliott, Livonia, MI (734)454-9000 (MI) 726

Product ID tags aviation, gasoline, diesel, thinners, solvents, oils; made of porcelain, pressed cardboard, brass, stainless. Have large collection of Standard Oil, Chevron. Looking for same and other oil companies. Glen 760/378-2059 (CA) 529

Cushman 60 series step thru scooter for sale. Was rebuilt 3 years ago and runs very well. Single speed with a working generator. Asking $2,000 OBO. Located in western KY. If interested contact 270-970-2835 (810)

Pinball machine, 10¢, Spot-Em, 6 cards, 5 balls, Wood Rails, 1940-50. $700 Call 513-738-1017 in Cincinnati area (OH) 774


Wanted: Lighters, pocket knives, and gas station stuff. Call 760/564-3353 ask for John (CA) 829
Wanted: DS (Direct Service) uniform patch. Charles Wells, 6533 Monnett Rd, Climax, NC 27233 336/674-6254 (NC) 828

Any item from Crown Central Petroleum, signs, advertising, etc. E-mail Bruce at (MD) 827

Wanted: Looking for a door and a hose side panel for a Southwest model 90 pump. Also need instructions on how to attach the doors/panels onto the frame. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Please contact Frank at 760/458-0539 or (CA) 826

Wanted: Chevron strip signs “Battarys” “Automotive” “Repairing” “Lubracation”. Cream letters with green trim, dark maroon background. Wanted: Shell Large plastic sign, true pectin shape, not square! 54.5x57.5x5.5 aluminum frame. Wanted: National visibowl round gallon dial casting with handle. Contact John 530/919-0260 (CA) 823

Plastic pole sign thermometer for: Oklahoma Pugh Speedway 79. Top dollar paid to fill out my collection. Peter Capell 773/871-8735. (IL) 820

Half Gallon Vacuum Oil Co. Marine Motor Oil Can. Gargoyle on the can. Call Jack Pillar 860/536-1942 Mystic, CT (CT) 816

Go ESTE globe or lense Call Ray 918/357-1204 (OK) 814

Wanted: 53 gallon galvanized metal riveted oil barrels to be used for vintage oil delivery truck. Frank Rose Piffard NY. 585/739-5719, e-mail (NY) 812

Wanted standard oil sign as you travel as us. Hal 319-330-9729 (IA) 811

Wanted: Toy miniature Sinclair service station. Doug Campbell 410/949-7229. 421 Hopkins Road, Baltimore, MD 21212 (MD) 806

NOS or Mint Mobil or Socony porcelain shield, 5 ft five point sign, original, not restored. (NJ) 805

15” White Flash Single Lens. Chris Weaver (PA) 802

Wanted: Single globe lenses. Supertest High Compression for glass, Richfield Hi-Octane for metal, and Phillips 66 for shield shaped plastic. Ron Juergens 313/730-2573 or (MI) 800

Wanted: Rare and unusual gas pumps, globes, signs, etc. Top dollar paid for your collection. Scott Anderson POB 65596, West Des Moines, IA 50265. Cell phone (515) 249-4822. (IA) 799

Anything and everything Sinclair Red Rooster (Mexico). Chuck Garber 1606 N 85th, Omaha, NE 68114. 402/391-5290. (NE) 798

Gasboy or Tokheim small pump for restoring. Paul 815/758-3848 (CT). 796

Wanted Boyle Dayton #83 unrestored any condition or #78, #79, #87, #89, that can be converted to an #83. Jim 270/993-2518(KY). 795

One quart antifreeze cans for my personal collection, Looking for picture cans and obscure cans from small companies. Scott Peterson. 218/348-5906, E-mail (MN) 792

Wanted face plates or decals for a National model 30 Apex clock meter pump 19 # 8 sided face plates. Call Ron Stadler, 9000 Merriman, Livonia MI 48150 734/422-4293 (MI) 791

‘90s 14” long plastic model gas trucks. Clark, Sinclair, Holiday, Union 76. Copies of pictures ors ads for 1960s Billups Mack model truck. Plastic model gas stations for Lionel train layout, used or damaged OK. Color drawings Crown stations from 1960s maps. Griebel, PO Box 6602, Sherwood, AR 72124 501/541-4508 (AR) 790

Globes Wanted: Marathon Multipower with Runner; oval Speedway 79; Sunoco Dynafuel and all pre 1940 Sunoco or call Dick Doumanian at 231/620-5100. (MI) 789
Wanted: Tube patch cans: Richfield, Signal, Studebaker, Lucky Strike, Getty, Rio Grande, Co-Op, Fina, Hi-Speed, Mopar. Dust Cloth Tins: Edsel, Deep Rock. Paste Wax Tins: Sunoco, Gilmore, Pure, Cities, Skelly, Texaco Red-Indian, HiSpeed. Door Ease Sticks: Chryco, Richfield, Sinclair, Quaker State. Norm Pennie, Box 2960, Sumas WA 98295 Phone 604/437-5635 (WA) 785

Wanted: Anything to do with Atlantic Gas Station Company. E-mail Richard at or call 775/851-3411 (NV) 779

I collect Texas connected signs. Key signs are Houston Gas and Panhandle Gas. Also large Texas Electric and Gloco. If you have any Texas related, let me know. Mark Freeman, or 210/684-0881 (TX) 778

1920s Mobil Oil Gargoyle oil display cabinet signs and inside chart–any condition. Also oval Gargoyle globe. Call Larry 401/726-2756 EST (RI) 776

Wanted: GULF SERVICE BAY SIGNS. Interested in sign lettering that spells out “Lubrication” and “Tires” . If anyone has any of these signs for sale, please call Dan at 480/528-2437 Thank You! (PA) 768

Want to trade for D.O.T. and indexed pocket maps and auto guides of Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, and Virginia. Also interested in federal official pocket maps of Detroit. Have variety of gas and oil maps to trade. Joe Dupries 1318 Lorraine Ave, Lansing MI 48910-2508. Phone 517/485-4727, e-mail (MI) 765

Wanted: Signal oil Co. Product Cans 1940s/1950s # 7+. Also 1940/1950 Richfield oil Co. Product Oil Can, west coast bird preferred: #7 and above, Bob 775/867-3181 (NV) 763

Sears Service Station Sign from Rome, New York. Call Warren 563/255-2674 (IA) 760

WANTED Pure Oil English Cottage Station exterior lights, decorative “P” on chimney and downspouts with decorative “P”. Also Ludowici Celadon blue glazed terra cotta roof tile, particularly gable rakes and ridge caps. Ed 716/847-1289 or (NY) 746

Buying: top dollar for Hydra - Lube tune up oil or dragonol penetrating oil tins or cans. Always buying Gillette Tire painted or porcelain signs and tins. Call Dan 407/433-2164. (FL) 745

Texaco Sign ‘Pole’ Round 18’ Tall ? Barry 513/738-1017 (OH) 744


Hudson Oil and Gas items wanted. Almost any signs, oil cans, promotional items and premiums, etc. related to Hudson Oil Company. Please call or e-mail with anything you are willing to sell or trade. Allan Hudson 616/690-7105 Grand Rapids, Michigan. Thank you. (MI) 743

Any Shoe Box globe, any Western globe that is different. Most 1950’s or 1960’s Chevrolet or Pontiac advertising. Many thanks (WA) 733

Wanted: Gillette Tire porcelain signs, Gillette wax and patch tins, Gillette batteries and NOS tires. Wanted: 42” & 32” sign hangers any condition. We buy clock face, basket case pumps SL. Call Dan, phone. 407/433-2164 (FL) 731

Bowers 585 Door hinges. Leave message for John Jones, 631 Riley Ave, East Liverpool, OH 43920 (330)386-3479 (OH) 724

Sign post with shield frame for a Phillips 66 6’ driveway sign. Also looking for a Sinclair fiberglass dinosaur. Call John 218/342-2475 (MN) 720

Shoebox Globe–looking for the globe body and base with light. Oval globes– buying single lenses or will TRADE for yours. I am a collector, not a reseller! Call Wes Holliday at 800/788-3969 or e-mail (WV) 719

Gas pump pricer boxes with names like SOHIO. National 360 porcelain green skins in nice shape. Call Mike at 923/722-9017 or e-mail (NJ) 718

Wanted 1952 Michigan Oil Service Company road map. Thank you! Mike French, 6077 Beacon Hill St, Flint MI 48506 (MI) 709

5 gallon Fry visible gas pump “base” needed, an original please. Mike 716/866-3666 or e-mail (NY) 705

Wanted: A door for a model 48 Tokheim Pump. Call 573/378-4844 after 6:30 pm (MO) 704

Norwalk Tire items wanted porcelain signs, tin signs, clocks, tire holders, fan belt racks, tire patch kits, blotters, anything related to Norwalk Tire Company. Thanks. Herbie Corbett 203/592-7608 or 203/758-5824 (CT) 697

Wanted: Single Aladdin gasoline 14 inch lense for gill body. Call Norb at 847/577-8697 (IL) 692

Wanted matched pair of decent 1950s gas pumps, most any make. Call 973/853-9053 within 200 miles of New York City. E-mail: (NJ) 691

Bennett 76 Need good unbroken face bezel. Terry Werle, 1209 South Reeves RD, Spokane Valley, WA 99206; 509/922-0803 or (WA) 690

Aviation items including oil cans and signs. GVA Properties, Clinton MO 660/885-3140 or (MO) 689

Wayne 71 door panel for glass, bottom door, center rod, shelf bracket, faces. G&B 65, both bottom doors, hand crank. EMPIRE twin visible information on putting back together, have all parts made in Canada. Also, AMOCO, Standard, UTOCO, Pan AM items. Thornton Beroth 336/978-4697 or 336/368-2725. (NC) 685

15” Mobil gas globe lens with Pegasus, 15” Mobil gas ethyl globe lens with Pegasus, 13 1/2 Mobil fuel diesel globe lens, Metro porcelain pump plate 5-point, ladies porcelain triangle-shaped Mobil restroom sign, (M6AX) Magnolia Petroleum Company signs, have signs and globes to trade, call Rip at 580/223-6708 (OK) 674

Wanted: Pennzoil 1 qt cans with DC3 Airliner and three wise owls, Mack truck signs, any size. Simpler Times Museum 111 Simpler Times Ln, Tidioute, PA 16351 or 814/484-3483 (PA) 662

Wanted: Maps dated 1938, 1956 and Douglas Gas maps. Bottle caps for Shell, Joy and Staminol. Ernest Hart 815/472-6207 (IL) 654

WANTED: Colored road maps with airplane and car on cover. Please call Bill Hampton at 319/377-0037; 221 Brentwood Dr NE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402 (IA) 650

WANTED: Thunderbird gasoline items from the Big West Oil of Montana associated Flying A items Ford items Paul Furlinger 425/385-3860 (WA) 648

Automotive dealership signs, gas and oil signs, metal military recruiting signs. One sign or collection. Charles Haas PO Box 1905 Chillicothe, OH 45601. Phone 740/779-1943 Stop and visit my signs when in the area. (OH) 638

Wanted: 10 x 20 and 13 5/8 x 22 glass cylinders. Also fifties and earlier Pin-Up Girl art calendars (no photos); advertising gas stations, auto dealers and anything else. Also broken or non-runnink neon signs, neon or back lighted wall clocks. Please call Chuck at 402/391-5270 or pictures to 1606 N. 85, Omaha, NE 68114. (NE) 634

Wanted: D-X (Mid-Continent Oil Company) items: signs, globes, cans, advertising pieces. Please contact: Merrick Auto Museum, PO BOX 188, Alda, NE 68810 OR e-mail at (NE) 630

Esso back lighted oval sign. 29” x 41”. Should be operating or easy to repair. Condition of lens not important. Call Bill at 508/380-0292 days or e-mail (MA) 623


Bennett 150 clock mechanism. Contact Gary Lafaille at 408/848-1795 or e-mail at (CA) 619

New to hobby. Wanted: Unrestored air meters, pumps, cans & signs. Looking to meet local collectors in the PA area. phone724/953-5386 (PA) 605

Wanted: Fry pump handle motor plus the mounting brackets 812/882-2197 cell: 765/586-4539 (IN) 596

Wadhams Bartles and O’Neils items. Milwaukee, Wisconsin companies. Not looking for Wadhams bulk cans. Have items from other companies to trade. Jim phone. 715/748-2774 e-mail (WI) 594

Ford porcelain signs and literature, especially international, 1927 to 1932. Howard 301/530-1441 or e-mail (MD) 586

Wanted: Nozzle for 800 Wayne pump - e-mail Gene or call 951/243-9366 (CA) 585

Old auto race posters, paper, cardboard, etc. from local racetracks like county or state fairs especially. Petroleum-related. Thank you, John Phippen 343 County Route 37 Central Square, NY 13036 315/676-7623 (NY) 580

Wanted: Old gas station road maps, all brands. Also Ford tire repair kits. George Oja - 19 Pelican Ave, Worcester, Mass. 01605-1123 (MA) 569

Base for 6-sided American visible pump. Dan Fuss 37 ‘M’ Ave, Nevade, IA 50201 phone: 515/290-9047 (IA) 563

Kendall wanted one quart pre-war oil cans 1938-40 closed rear wheel, excellent to mint - unopened if possible 1934-38 open wheel, very good to excellent - empty OK Bob Byledbal 145 Steppingstone Lane, Orchard Park, NY 14127 (NY) 517

Wanted: Any Rare Pumps. Also, collections of pumps, signs, globes, drink machines. Miles Little, 12555 Hwy 601, Midland, NC 28107. 704/791-1438. (NC) 483

Wanted: Sel-oil 56 can rack handle and lever for side bottom door that tilts down. 727/862-0227, 9am-3pm, or (FL) 482

CORECO, aka The Continental Refining Co., Oil City, PA, items: signs, cans, globes, advertising pieces. Branded oils included Pennsylect, De-Penn-Do, Continental & CORECO. Tops prices paid for top condition. Call Dave 814/676-8398 or e-mail me at (PA) 479

Sunoco custom blending pumps and parts for Wayne #511 Blendomatic pumps, such as computer face plates, grade indicator plates, spinner wheels, porcelain grade buttons, blue Sunoco pump signs – any blending pump parts. I collect Sunoco and Kendall signs. E-mail or call 860/528-9315 weekdays or 860/742-1267 eves. (CT) 478

Need Shell oil bottle caps to cap bottles in my collection, and others. Ron Throckmorton, 148 Workman Court, Eureka MO 63025, 636/227-7222 days or (MO) 477

Looking to purchase Pure-Tiolene porcelain or steel enamel signs and cans. Jody, 847/872-7257, M-F (IL) 473

Collector needs more good signs: Veltex, Red Indian, Musgo, Sinclair Aircraft, Kelly Tire, Socony, Grizzly, Mohawk, Green Streak, Conoco, Red Rooster, Seaside and also 72" Oregon, Idaho, and Montana Chief. Call or send photos: Bill King, PO Box 1683, Woodinville, WA 98072. 425/487-0077. (WA) 467

Johnson Oil Company items wanted. Anything from “giveaways” and paper to globes, signs and pumps. Chicago based company used the names Brilliant Bronze, Joreco, Winged 70 and Johnson Gasolene. Top dollar paid, will also trade. Jeff Johnson 770/683-1972 or (GA) 466

Always buying globes, lenses, collections, accumulations and good individual globes. Call, write or send a photo, let me know what you have to sell. Lonnie Hop, PO Box 21, West Olive, MI 49460, or 616/875-8381. (MI) 464

“Spur Truckstop”, formerly “Ingram Truck stop” located in LaVergne, Tennessee in the 1960s. Looking for pictures, postcards and memories. Gary Brewer, 166 N. Post Rd., Indianapolis, IN 46219, 317/547-5968 or (IN) 461